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    Acne Treatments

    Combat acne and scar with topical, oral, peels and injection treatment at O2 Klinik

    Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells, oil (sebum), and bacteria. It usually appears as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and sometimes deeper cysts or nodules on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms.

    The main factors contributing to acne development include excess sebum production, dead skin cells, and inflammation.

    At O2 Klinik, treatment for acne can involve both topical and oral medications, depending on the severity of the condition and the specific type of acne lesions present. Here are some common topical and oral treatments used to manage acne.

    Topical Treatments

    Topical treatments for acne are medications that are applied directly to the skin to target and manage acne symptoms. These treatments can be effective for mild to moderate acne and are available over-the-counter (OTC) or through prescription from a dermatologist. Here are some common types of topical treatments for acne.


    Topical retinoids are derived from vitamin A and work by unclogging pores. They are the treatment of choice for blackheads and closed comedones. They work by stimulating collagen production and exfoliating the top layers of skin cells. Side effects of using retinoids include redness, dryness, itching and stinging. Doctors will guide you on how to introduce them into your skincare routine, and which skincare products to combine them with to improve tolerability. It may result in increased sensitivity to sunlight, so always apply your sunscreen during the day.

    Benzoyl Peroxide

    Topical benzoyl peroxide like Benzac or Duac should be applied directly onto spots. It simply works by killing the bacteria on the skin that causes acne. By neutralising acne-causing bacteria, flare-ups are reduced. It also dries out large spots relatively quickly. You only need to apply a small amount to affected areas, as redness and peeling are likely to occur.

    Topical Antibiotics

    Topical antibiotics, such as clindamycin and metronidazole, are effective acne treatments. It is recommended not to use topical antibiotics on their own, due to the risk of developing bacterial resistance. Instead, they work better when combined with benzoyl peroxide to reduce this risk and to improve results as they tackle bacteria in different ways.

    Severe face acnes diagnosis before treatment at O2 Klinik

    Acne Before

    After acne consultation and medication with O2 Klinik doctor

    Acne After

    Oral Treatments

    Oral treatments for acne are medications that are taken by mouth to address acne symptoms. These treatments are typically prescribed by a dermatologist and are often used for more severe or persistent cases of acne. Oral medications work internally to target the underlying causes of acne, such as excess oil production, inflammation, and bacterial growth. Here are some common types of oral treatments for acne.


    Spironolactone is an oral medication that was initially developed for blood pressure and heart failure, but also seems to work in female adult acne by acting on hormones in the skin. It helps reduce acne significantly because it has anti-androgen effects to block male hormone testosterone and excessive oil production, which can both cause spots. At higher doses, it may also prevent excessive facial and body hair growth and hair loss on the head.

    Oral Contraceptives

    Birth control pills contain female hormones that work by counteracting the effect of male hormones (such as testosterone) on acne. Their use is limited to female patients. The maximum benefit of oral contraceptives on acne occurs in three to four months.


    Oral anti-inflammatory antibiotics often used are doxycycline and minocycline, all of which are quite effective in many cases of acne. Antibiotics do not address other causative factors in acne and may take several weeks or months to clear it up. They are often used in combination with other drugs that “unclog” follicles. Many oral antibiotics for acne should not be used during pregnancy.


    In addition to topical and oral treatments, there are several other acne treatment options available, ranging from procedures performed by dermatologists to self-care practices that can help manage and prevent acne.

    Chemical peels for mild and moderate acnes at O2 Klinik

    Chemical Peels

    Chemical peels will improve mild to moderate acne. This involve application of a chemical peeling agent, which include AHAs (like glycolic acid – an acid that reduces spots and inflammation) and BHAs (salicylic acid – an anti-inflammatory that helps exfoliate the outer layer of skin, to exfoliate). Peels can not only be used to treat active acne but hyperpigmentation (skin discoloration left behind by spots) and superficial acne scars.

    Steroid Injections

    For single, isolated stubborn, large inflammatory acne lesions such as cysts, a small steroid injection can be used directly on the spot. Steroid injections are useful if you want to bring down a spot as soon as possible because they reduce swelling and dry them out. The cyst usually flattens within 48 hours. They are safe, but in some cases, they can leave behind an indentation in the skin where the cyst once was and may cause skin thinning and pigmentation change.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the main cause of acne?

    Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. The primary factors contributing to the development of acne include:

    – Excess Sebum Production
    – Clogged Hair Follicles
    – Bacterial Proliferation
    – Hormonal and Genetic Factors
    – Inflammation
    – Diet and Lifestyle Factors

    Why am i getting adult acne?

    Adult acne can be frustrating and affect individuals for various reasons. It’s characterized by the presence of pimples, blackheads, or cysts that develop on the face, neck, chest, or back in adults.

    The common cause of adult acne are:
    – Hormonal changes
    – Stress
    – Skincare products
    – Diet
    – Medications

    What is the treatment that suitable for my acne problem?

    The appropriate treatment for acne can vary based on the type and severity of acne, as well as individual skin characteristics. Here are some common treatments used to address face acne:

    – Chemical Peeling and laser treatment
    – Topical treatments
    – Oral medications

    Combination of treatments for your acne will depend on factors such as the type of acne you have (e.g., comedonal, inflammatory, cystic), its severity, your skin type, and any other individual considerations.

    Can I use topical and oral antibiotics at the same time for acne?

    In terms of acne medication, combining topical and oral antibiotics is a common approach in the treatment of moderate to severe acne. This combination therapy is often used to target acne from different angles and to address both surface bacteria and inflammation as well as bacteria deeper within the skin.

    Can acne scars go away?

    Acne scars can improve over time, but complete and natural resolution may not occur for all types of scars. The potential for acne scars to fade or diminish depends on several factors, including the type of scars, their severity, and the effectiveness of the treatment used.

    Acne scar treatments like laser therapy, microneedling, chemical peels, and dermal fillers can improve the appearance.

    What is the best treatment for acne scars?

    The best treatment or combination of treatments for acne scars depends on factors such as scar type, skin type, scar depth, and individual response to treatments.

    – Chemical peeling
    – Fractional laser treatment
    – Microneedling
    – Dermal Fillers
    – PRP treatment

    How do I stop my face from scarring after a pimple?

    Preventing scarring after a pimple is much easier than treating established scars. Consistent, gentle skincare practices and early intervention for acne breakouts can help minimize the chances of scarring and promote healthy skin healing.

    Avoid picking, squeezing, or popping pimples as picking at acne lesions can increase inflammation and rupture the skin, leading to a higher risk of scarring.

    Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated. Well-moisturized skin can help in the healing process and reduce the risk of scarring.

    If you notice a large or inflamed pimple, consider using acne spot treatment containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to reduce inflammation and prevent it from worsening.

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